i got in a (ahem) well-deserved fight with my family, and my sister somehow misconstrued something and thought i was threatening tammy. sigh. anyway, i ended up pushing two people: my mom, and my sister. my sister called the cops. they showed up and the one on the right is like, "count." i said, "i'm not interested in counting." (there were 5 or 6). then another was giving me bullcrap about, the first time i took the pill i was in a hospital and so that means.. blah blah blah, i said, "that's logic. i'm not interested." i also complimented one of the bastards that i liked the way he was laughing about it. but anyway, after i said i'm not interested, they took this white, plastic, square gun and pointed it to me. i faced him blank. it turns out it's a taser, and for once in history they shot at the neck.
then some ambulance brought me to a mental ward. some caretaker (male nurse?) (not in the mental department yet) told me i'll go for a psych evaluation, and i asked if they're the kind that force pills if you give them a wrong answer. i don't remember his response now.. it was kind of relieving but maybe a little vague? oh, that reminds me. some cop-dude was telling me about how it's bad to have fights where you harm eachother or whatever, and i told him, "that's philosophical." (i had to be brief with those guys.) also after i got tased and my reaction, the tall white-haired guy on the left said, "well, i'm impressed. i didn't expect that one" or something like it. also in the ambulance some guy was looking for something abstract under my skin and before that, *threatened* me, "i'm pretty quick." he was but he was all bullshit. anyway, so i end up in this hospital for mental patients, and i have no idea if it's the baker act or when i can get out or.. basically what day of the week it was. but at least they served food. god. so anyway, my psychiatrist (i won't tell more about *that* story...) and some other dude who was on the ball (though vanessa claimed he's just mental) and my parents combined, all got me out of that place.
it's funny, in a funny farm even the staff has to be crazy to deal with the patients. they're pretty annoying sometimes.
so anyway, for reasons i've yet to understand, my mom and i agreed that i'd go to an alf. even *after* i tould her i could settle on her solution to just have 2 mg of medicine twice a week, which i'm sure would've done it. oh, well.
i've been putting this off anyway, getting a room with roommates.
that reminds me. damnit i didn't bring my wallet.
and i wasn't *exactly* putting it off, i tried and reality said, eh. maybe next year..
also i suspect that when a person is *too good* in one of those hospitals, they don't let them leave.. they crave the healing. that's kind of a theory, but it's the kind where you almost intuitively know.
speaking of which
i met an archangel.. in the flesh. if i had to guess, either Michael or Uriel. probably Uriel.
i met angels in the flesh before, but not with as a close relationship and not discovering it in such a cool way.